
Bryce Kinsler sets Arizona high school football passing reco

October 27, 2012 by MaxPreps, AZPreps365

File photo by James Conrad

Bryce Kinsler, Cactus Shadows

Cactus Shadows (Cave Creek, Ariz.) senior quarterback Bryce Kinsler set the Arizona state record for career passing yards Friday in a 50-17 win against Shadow Mountain (Phoenix).

According to, Kinsler broke the record on a 12-yard completion to Matt Hartlen just before halftime. Kinsler ended up with 235 yards for the game, setting the new mark at 8,679 yards for his career.

The original record of 8,517 was set two years ago.

"If there is anyone who deserves it, it’s him," Cactus Shadows coach Greg Davis told AZCentral. "He is the best player I have ever coached."

Hartlen was Kinsler's preferred target on the night, catching 10 passes for 109 yards. It was the last game of the regular season for the Falcons, who improved to 3-7 with the win.

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