Introducing The Gregory School wrestling team
January 6, 2025 by Grady Jordan-Nowe, The Gregory School

In the 2024-2025 school year, The Gregory School added the sport wrestling to its winter sports lineup. This is an exciting opportunity for any students interested in wrestling. This addition gives students a chance to discover something new they could be interested in while helping them stay in shape for any other sports they may participate in throughout the year.
Previously, The Gregory School offered only boys and girls basketball as a winter sports option. Though many people enjoy basketball, it is, of course, not a sport for everyone. Adding wrestling to the winter sports option gives people the opportunity to still participate in a school sport even if they don't want to play basketball.
The sport of wrestling is very different from what you see from the WWE. If you don't actually know that much about how it works, here's give a simple overview. The main objective of wrestling is to pin your opponent's shoulders to the mat or outscore them using different techniques and holds. The matches are divided into periods with points awarded for specific actions like takedowns (bringing an opponent to the mat), reversals (gaining control from a defensive position), escapes, and exposing an opponent's back to the mat. You win either by pinning your opponent or having the highest score when the time expires.
Because wrestling is a new sport, The Gregory School team is still relatively small, with only nine members. Along with having a small team, it's mostly inexperienced. Some participated in combat sports but most were new to wrestling. Even with their inexperience, the wrestling team members are working hard and we are looking forward to seeing what they accomplish.