
NCAA basketball coaches can burn up phone lines

June 16, 2012 by MaxPreps, AZPreps365

Phone lines are buzzing today between Division I college basketball recruits and players who have completed their sophomore year of high school.

Photo by Nick Koza

Andrew Wiggins

The governing NCAA passed new rules - which took effect on Friday - allowing the coaches to call or text message recruits who are headed into their junior year. The rule emphasizes relationship building between college coaches and prospects with hopes to limit influence of third parties. This extends to social media where private messages will be allowed. Public messages still are prohibited.

Chairman Mike Alden explained, "The Leadership Council recognized the evolving nature of communication with students as well as the importance of building solid relationships with prospective students athletes. It appeared that we had previously regulated ourselves away from that relationship building with these young people, unintentionally allowing third parties greater access than our coaches."

In the past, more stringent regulations had brought strong penalties against coaches, even costing some of them their jobs.

With the new rule, a player like Andrew Wiggins, the MaxPreps National Sophomore Player of the Year from Huntington Prep (W.Va.), might think about getting a new phone plan.