Gilbert Christian Men's Volleyball destroying Ben Franklin.
April 9, 2021 by Brody Curtner, Gilbert Christian High School

GCHS Men's Volleyball team pumped up for the game! Photo Credit: Julie Gehr
Gilbert Christian's Mens Volleyball team is having their best year yet, and is confident in their senior heavy lineup. They're #1 in 4A and undefeated, standing 9-0.
David Fleischer dunkin' on Ben Franklin's middle.
The Knights plottin' and schemin' how to get this victory in only 3 sets.
Senior Drew Reiley sending over a serve in the third and final set.
Ayden Hoyt walking back to serve, satisfied after an ace.
Brady Mccoy serving to a scared Ben Franklin team.
Dave Fleischer 4 feet above the other team, ready to deliver the kill.
Ben Yanez with the game winning kill.
The Knights celebrating their 3-0 Victory!